I am an experienced software engineer with a passion and focus in Cybersecurity. I am currently working towards a M.S. in Cybersecurity online at Georgia Tech. I have previous work experience in Machine Learning and Simulation Development focused around Natural Language Processing and Nursing Education, and looking to transition to a role in Cybersecurity. This website hosts everything from my CV/Contact Information to CTF challenge writeups, Malware Analysis, School-Work Writeups, and more. 💻👋
What am I currently up to?
I finished my RE and Binary Exploitation class at GaTech in 6th place; my next class in my Masters will be in Network Security. Additionally, I have some new opportunities coming around the horizon that I am very much excited for!
In the meantime, I was able to finally finish Task 9 in the NSA Codebreaker Challenge which makes me a Solver! If you are interested in my writeups, they should be available for reading below. Currently, I am participating in Kringlecon 2022, TryHackMe's Advent of Cyber 4, and studying for Cysa+ and PNPT.